
Dishes you can easily make in your truck

If you would also like to introduce healthier snacks in your diet, look into dried and fresh fruit, nuts, and rice cakes that you can top with peanut butter, tuna, or salsa. We hope these recipes will come in handy on a busy day when you need a nice, filling meal.

2024-01-08T18:12:43+00:00January 8th, 2024|

Who are the real life Santa Clauses?

Many drivers choose to stay on the road during the holiday season for the chance to increase their earnings. Holidays often see a spike in demand, stores require extra stocks, and drivers can expect extra income. This is one of the main advantages of staying on the road during this time.

2023-12-18T17:45:36+00:00December 18th, 2023|

5 Tips To Navigate Tailgating

Tailgating is not only annoying but also dangerous. Understanding the risks, reasons, and adopting responsible driving strategies can contribute to a safer road environment. Practice patience, maintain a safe distance, follow speed limits, and avoid abrupt actions to prevent tailgating from escalating into serious accidents.

2023-12-04T18:43:23+00:00December 4th, 2023|

Is self-driving technology the future of trucking?

In the past two months, there have been many activities related to autonomous trucking. In October 2023, a partnership between Maersk and Kodiak Robotics marked the beginning of a new era in trucking with the launch of the first commercial autonomous trucking lane between Houston and Oklahoma City.

2023-11-27T17:49:25+00:00November 27th, 2023|

Pros and Cons of Working During the Holiday Season

For the majority of people, the holiday season is a time of festivities and joy, and for some, it is even the most wonderful time of the year. For truckers, on the other hand, this period can be challenging. In this blog post, let’s find out the pros and cons of working during the holidays.

2023-11-20T17:24:34+00:00November 20th, 2023|

Top trucking destinations in the U.S.

Not enough is said about scenic and attractive places truckers can see on their routes. Why not combine a nice fuel stop with a nice outdoor activity and a visit to the best restaurant in town? We'll highlight several top trucking destinations, and you can plan them for your next haul!

2023-11-20T20:31:32+00:00October 23rd, 2023|
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