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Tips for keeping your truck clean and cozy

Keeping your truck clean can help improve your mood, make you feel more relaxed, and help you stay focused on the road ahead. A dirty truck can also be a health hazard if you suffer from allergies. Here are some tips to help you keep your semi truck clean:

A portable or handheld vacuum can be a lifesaver for keeping your cab clean. You should opt for more powerful ones that come with attachments to reach all the nooks and crannies.

Paint brushes with coarse hair can easily sweep dust off of the dashboard, but it’s even better for cleaning dust and mud out of hard-to-reach spots, such as air vents and buttons.

Walking outside in mud, rain, snow, and dirt and then going inside your truck with those shoes just creates more hassle for you. Wearing different shoes in and out of the truck means you will spend much less time cleaning. You can store your outside shoes on a plastic shoe pad that’s also easy to clean.

If your truck smells weird, and somehow musty, it’s probably time to freshen up the carpet. Sprinkle baking soda generously over the carpet to absorb odors, let it sit for a couple of minutes, and then vacuum. This can help prevent those nasty smells and mold. You can also line the floors with absorbent spill-proof pads underneath the regular mats for added protection. 

If the smells persist even after you’ve deodorized the carpet, another cause of this issue may be dirty cabin air filters. The HVAC filter, aka the cabin air filter, can accumulate dust, pollen, and mold, and it should be replaced once a year or every 12,000 miles. This way, you’ll keep your truck smelling fresh. 

Spending your days in the truck can quickly result in garbage piling up inside your truck. If you regularly toss food wrappings or empty soda bottles on the truck floor or on the dashboard, you may become overwhelmed in no time! You can keep a small garbage can near your seat, so that it’s handy for you to throw the garbage in the bin while driving. Make sure to empty it daily before it starts to smell!

Worn clothes can quickly start to smell, so think about storing them in laundry bags or gym bags, so that your space can stay odour-free. These bags can accumulate bacteria very easily, so don’t forget to wash them as well from time to time! If you’d rather keep your clothes in a basket, occasionally clean it with disinfectant wipes. 

By setting out 10 minutes every day for minor cleanups, you will thank yourself for not letting too much mess and dirt accumulate. Try taking out the trash, tidying up, and  wiping the dashboard daily. Once a week, you can set out a time to clean it more thoroughly. Every couple of months, do a more detailed cleaning. Toothbrushes are great for cleaning bolt holes and other hard to reach spots. Lysol wipes will keep your home away from home germ-free! Additionally, a  2:1 solution of white vinegar/water can be used to keep your windshield crystal clean!  Keeping a schedule will help you handle the mess much more efficiently.

Keeping your truck clean can also bring benefits! Even truck mechanics report being motivated by clean trucks to be extra attentive to do everything just right, and to watch out for spills. Some DOT officers mentioned they usually stop trucks that have their dashboard covered in trash. A clean, mess-free environment can bring you peace of mind and help you stay alert, sleep better and keep your health in good condiiton.With these tips you’re all ready to lease a brand new truck and take good care of it! give us a call now at (630)506-8869

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